
Package Viewer tool

donderdag, mei 23, 2013 - 22:23

Kuree heeft de Package Viewer geupload op Simlogical:

FIVE Main Features Why You Should Try It

  1. Detecting the type of packages
    It will show you the type of package it has and whether it has several items doesn't matter.
  2. Thumbnail Support
    It can read your cache now. As long as the you keep your thumbnail package save and sound, you will see all you want.
  3. Package Status Support
    Red or Green block to show whether it has been disabled by the program. Full control of your packages!
  4. Packages Outside CC Folder Support
    Just tell the program where you want to inspect, and here they come!
  5. Corrupted Package Detection Support
    It will show you a bad package wherever it is.

Downloaden op Simlogical!
